Fundraising 2024

Thank you to everyone who has donated, volunteered, and/or participated!

Total fundraising and grant target for 2024 is £182,564.19

Figures are to the end of December 2024:

We raised 76% of our target 🙂

Touch the table for further details.



Cobtree Scottish Country Dance Group


Brachers Charitable Trust


William Brake


Cobtree Scottish Country Dance Group
To date


Various donations < £1k
To date


Just Giving Donations


Funds raised from Quiz Night and Jumble Sale


Monies brought in from renting out Cobtree Hall to other organisations.


To become a member, please complete Membership Application and Subscription

For Standing Orders, please complete Membership Standing Order Form

JanuaryRon Mason# 62
FebruaryMr Edward Raikes# 80
MarchMrs A Weaver# 18
AprilLee Taggart# 50
MayMrs L Jiles# 2
JuneMr J Makuch# 61
JulyLee Taggart# 50
AugustMike Craske# 68
SeptemberMr J Makuch# 61
OctoberSharon White# 25
NovemberMrs Elsbet Minall# 96
DecemberMrs S Lingham# 45

Please help fundraise for us via:
Just Giving and Easy Fundraising
(Click on or scan the QR codes)

Fundraising from previous years