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29th April 2022
Senior Gateway Club
is open again!
We hope to have our usual activities fully up and running in the next few weeks and look forward to seeing members old & new.
We are also keen to recruit new volunteers to join our team for Friday nights.
Any queries, please contact Marlene or Carolyn.
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Various activities are available every week, such as snooker, needlework club, and arts & crafts.
Additionally, we have a rolling programme of different events, such as indoor bowls, talent night, bingo and quizzes, as well as visiting musical and/or other entertainers.
There is a tuck-shop selling tea, coffee, sweets and crisps at reasonable prices. We mark special occasions of the year, such as Christmas, Halloween and Valentine’s day with a disco or party with refreshments. We run 3-4 outings a year.
(Scroll down to read all)
16+ with learning disability
Fridays 19:30 – 21:30
How much?
Members pay £1.50/week;
carers are free.
Carolyn Piper
07762 468 097
Marlene Ive
07761 601 178
(press numbers to call)